My Ukrainian War Experience

Dreams are events that happen in your subconscious, yet something that feels real was an example of what I felt these past few days. Friends called a few weeks ago, saying the Ukraine and Russia are going to war.

That sounded very unrealistic, years ago this same information came but no war happened hence I was relaxed. Ukraine is my third home, the most memorable experience in my life was in the city of Kharkiv, the citizen's warm and loving kindness during the 5years of studying were exceptional. Mostly from my University “Kharkiv National Aerospace University” the same school my brothers attend. Until the bomb blast that occurred on Feb 24th, 2022 in Kyiv the capital of Ukraine. I immediately called my brothers asking if any fight or shooting was going on in their city, they said No. But something didn't feel right so I started marking evacuation plans for them... read more

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